In the summer, it is crucial to be able to use the air conditioning system. Smart activation of the automation system is - smart electricity consumption.
stan na dan
Renting smart apartments is a net profit. The investment that is necessary for the Smart Home system will be paid off quickly if space is rented "for a day".

Energy efficiency is divided into the efficiency of technical devices, the measures we implement to achieve efficiency, but also the behavior by which we affect the degree of efficiency.

Supplying water from wells/water pipes to seedlings at a certain time through automation is a smart irrigation system.

Luxury smart apartments have cleverly selected subsystems, modern models of multifunctional panels, sensors and the ability to control the apartment with voice commands.

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The Smart home, as a project of the company ION Solutions from Novi Sad, has been a synonym for the term: "automation of residential and business space" since 2004.